This spring I was fortunate to have the
opportunity host a field trip for Scott Waters, skilled videographer and owner/operator of, Scott’s friend Chris Mock, herper and all around good guy, and Gerold Merker, author/coauthor of the books Alterna,
Zonata, and many other articles.
Throughout two days, we went from
hunting coachwips on a desert-like an abandoned mine site, to flipping junk around abandoned homesteads, to turning rocks
on some of the earth’s oldest mountains, to sloshing around after water snakes in cypress swamps. Some nice animals were found and a good time was had by all.
Here’s Scott with a bundle of prairie
kingsnakes that were flipped under a couple of pieces of tin.

Gerold, Scott, and Chris with a black rat
and a yellow-bellied racer

Quinn, Gerold, and Chris preparing
to photograph a red milksnake

Scott with that same milksnake

Photographing an Osage copperhead
